Call for Abstract

Sports Nutrition and Ortho Congress, will be organized around the theme “Understanding the critical role of nutrition and supplements in enhancing metabolism for optimal sporting activity ”

Sports Nutrition 2016 is comprised of 20 tracks and 63 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Sports Nutrition 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Dietary Supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities. Supplements as generally understood include vitaminsminerals, fibre, fatty acids, or amino acids, among other substances. These products are not intended to prevent or treat any disease and in some circumstances are dangerous, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The intended use of dietary supplements is to ensure that a person gets enough essential nutrients.

  • Track 1-1Nutritional Supplements and Sports Nutrition
  • Track 1-2Vitamins & Minerals Supplements
  • Track 1-3Herbal Supplements
  • Track 1-4Supplements as health insaurance
  • Track 1-5Slimming Supplements

We've all heard that "You are what you eat." But this old axiom tells only part of the story. While correct nutrition is essential to a proper fitness training program, it's also critical to consider HOW you eat. The important points to keep into consideration are meal frequency, macronutrient ratios, specificity to athletic objectives, and periodizing caloric intake. The right diet will optimise your energy levels and help your body recover more effectively. Making smart choices about the type, timing and quantity of food to eat can all play a role in realising your best.

  • Track 2-1Healthcare Nutrition for Athletes
  • Track 2-2Weight Loss Aids

From the athletes’ point of view there is nutrition related to workouts and events, and general nutrition. Nutrition related to workouts and events refers to nutrition before, during and after workouts and events. It is about pre-exercise, during exercise and post-exercise nutrition. It is mostly about food and carbohydrate calories and to some extent about sodium as well.

Caloric mix and quality, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have important role to play in general or overall nutrition.

  • Track 3-1Pre-Exercising Nutrition
  • Track 3-2Weight-gain due to Pre-Exercise Hyperhyderation
  • Track 3-3Carbohydrate Loading for Endurance exercise
  • Track 3-4Nutrition while exercising
  • Track 3-5Fluid Balance and sweat Loss
  • Track 3-6Electrolyte Requirement
  • Track 3-7Dehydration and performance
  • Track 3-8Post-Exercising Nutrition
  • Track 3-9Muscle repair and regeneration post-exercising
  • Track 3-10Alchohol and recovery
  • Track 3-11Antioxidants
  • Track 3-12Hydration

Protein, a basic structure material of all cells, is also biologically active in enzymes, immunoglobulins, hormones, neurotransmitters, nutrient transport and storage compounds and cell membrane receptors. Protein is needed for muscle formation and enzymes are important in speeding up many body processes.

The US Food and Nutrition Board young adult daily RDA is 56 gms per day for men and 46 gma per day for women. Growth, pregnancy, lactation and exercise increases the demand for protein. The FNB acceptable macronutrient range is 10% to 35%.

  • Track 4-1Dairy snacks for sports
  • Track 4-2Value added Poultry meat in Protein Nutrition
  • Track 4-3Whey Protein

Athletes need energy for basal metabolism, the basic of running their body. Basal metabolism includes running the heart, circulating blood through the kidneys, liver and other organs; supplying the brain with energy, fueling the rods and cones of the eyes to see, manufacturing salivary and gastrointestinal juices for digestion, and moving food through the bowels. 

Beyond basal metabolism, they need energy to fuel their daily activities, including exercise and calorie provides the energy that body needs to operate.

  • Track 5-1Daily Caloric Needs
  • Track 5-2Augumentation of performance capacity with low glycogen stores
  • Track 5-3Dietary Fats

Sports Drinks or Energy Drinks are marketed as fluids, calories and electrolyte for the use before, during and after exercise. Providing fluids and calories is their primary purpose. Most sports drinks are about 6% concentration of carbohydrates. This means most sports drinks contains 100 to 125 calories per pint.

The only electrolyte that has consistently been shown to be important to athletes is only sodium and only when more than several quarters of fluid have been lost.

  • Track 6-1Carbonated Soft Drinks
  • Track 6-2Sports Energy Bars
  • Track 6-3Premenstrual Snack Bars

A diet should be optimal in both quality and quantity of food, in order to replenish the energy reserves and avoid fatigue or inadequate nutrition. A good diet will help the body perform at its best. Carbohydrates are the best fuel source to provide power for the working muscles. Eating enough carbohydrate before, during and after exercise helps to maintain energy levels, delay fatigue during exercise and support a more rapid recovery. With carbohydrate or "carbs" as the main fuel source, you can maintain your activity for a longer period. Carbohydrate foods should make up more than half your total energy intake. If you are involved in heavy daily exercise, your carbohydrate needs will be even higher and you should make sure you eat enough carbohydrate to meet your increased daily requirements.

Involvement in organized sports can offer many benefits, such as improved self-esteem and body image, and encouragement for individuals to remain active throughout their lives.  Athletic competition, however, can also be a factor contributing to severe psychological and physical stress. When the pressures of athletic competition are added to an existing cultural emphasis on thinness, the risks increase for athletes to develop disordered eating. In a study of Division 1 NCAA athletes, over one-third of female athletes reported attitudes and symptoms placing them at risk for anorexia nervosa Though most athletes with eating disorders are female, male athletes are also at risk—especially those competing in sports that tend to place an emphasis on the athlete’s diet, appearance, size, and weight requirements, such as wrestling, bodybuilding, crew, and running.

  • Track 8-1Female Vegetarians and Amenorrhea
  • Track 8-2Alcohol and athletics
  • Track 8-3Childhood Nutrition
  • Track 8-4Childhood Obesity

People need to change what and how to eat in their 50s, 60s, and beyond! They need fewer calories every decade. They move around less, they have less muscle, and the metabolic rate goes down. The challenge while eating less overall is to eat more nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, fish, low-fat dairy products, and lean cuts of meat.

As they age, their body needs the same amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals and, in some instances, even more nutrients.

  • Track 9-1Pediatric Sports Nutrition
  • Track 9-2Women, weight and menopause
  • Track 9-3Healthcare Nutrition
  • Track 9-4Food and Health in young athletes
  • Track 9-5Nutrition for Older Athletes

Nutritional epidemiology is a relatively new field of medical research that studies the relationship between nutrition and health. Diet and physical activity are difficult to measure accurately, which may partly explain why nutrition has received less attention than other risk factors for disease in epidemiology.

Nutritional epidemiology is one of the younger disciplines in epidemiology. This may be partially due to the difficulties in measuring diet as an exposure. Diet and physical activity are arguably the most difficult exposures to assess in observational research and are plagued by considerable measurement error. Hence we are all exposed, and the variation may be more subtle than with other, more distinct exposures such as smoking or use of hormone replacement therapy.

  • Track 10-1Neuromuscular fatigue
  • Track 10-2Exercise Induced Immunodepression
  • Track 10-3Long QT syndrome

Occupational therapy tends to focus on evaluating and improving a person’s functional abilities. An occupational therapist often does not directly treat a person’s injury using techniques such as manual therapy or acupuncture therapy but more commonly helps a person optimize their independence and their ability to accomplish their daily activities following an injury or in situations of physical impairment. Occupational therapists often will directly treat injuries, but more even often occupational therapy focuses more on improving life skills and incorporating adaptive tools at times customized by the therapist. In some parts of the world occupational therapists utilize practices such as use of ultrasound in injury rehabilitation, much like a physical therapist does.

The physical therapy profession (also called ‘physiotherapy’ in many parts of the world) tends to be more focused on evaluating and diagnosing movement dysfunctions as well as treating a person’s injury itself. While an occupational therapist will often also do diagnosis, the physical therapist will be more likely to diagnose and treat the physical source of the problem; the injured tissues and structures.

  • Track 11-1Physical and Occupational Therapy
  • Track 11-2Exercise and Rehabillitation
  • Track 11-3Yoga and Physical Health
  • Track 11-4Importance of Cardio in Exercise
  • Track 11-5Massage and Physical Therapy
  • Track 11-6Disability and Rehabillitation

When injured, athletes face the battle of rehabilitation in the gym and physio room, however what they also choose to eat plays a vital role in their recovery. Whilst appropriate nutrition won’t cut rehabilitation from weeks to days, if used effectively it can ensure that the healing process is optimal and can help athletes make a strong return.

Skeletal muscle injuries are a common occurrence, especially during sporting activities. For example, hamstring strains accounted for 21% of injuries reported during two seasons of professional English football. The most common injuries reported in rugby league are also musculotendinous injuries to the lower limbs with hamstring and groin injuries making up 8.0–19.7% of all reported injuries. An understanding of the pathophysiology of muscle injury and repair is essential in order to provide the optimum treatment interventions and to limit injury or re-injury to a muscle. Reducing the risk of reinjury is an essential component of the rehabilitative process, as musculoskeletal injuries such as hamstring strains are compounded by a high recurrence rate of 12–31% with approximately 1 in 13 athletes re-injuring within the first year of return to sport.

Orthopaedic surgery or orthopaedics (sometimes spelled orthopaedic surgery and orthopedics) is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Orthopeadic Sports Medicine is a subspecialty of orthopeadic medicine. Orthopeadic Sports Medicine is the investigation preservation and restoration by medical, surgical and rehabillitative means to all structures of the musculoskeletal system affected by athletic activity.

  • Track 14-1Joint Replacement Surgeries
  • Track 14-2Type of Orthopeadic treatment in Sports
  • Track 14-3Surgical and Non Surgical Treatments
  • Track 14-4Athritis Mimicking Sports Injuries
  • Track 14-5Muscle Injury and Treatment
  • Track 14-6Ligament Reconstruction

While the research base is limited, studies have consistently reported poor oral health in elite athletes since the first report from the 1968 Olympic Games. The finding is consistent both across selected samples attending dental clinics at major competitions and more representative sampling of teams and has led to calls from the International Olympic Committee for more accurate data on oral health. Poor oral health is an important issue directly as it can cause pain, negative effects on appearance and psychosocial effects on confidence and quality of life and may have long-term consequences for treatment burden. Self-reported evidence also suggests an impact on training and performance of athletes. There are many potential challenges to the oral health of athletes including nutritional, oral dehydration, exercise-induced immune suppression, lack of awareness, negative health behaviours and lack of prioritisation. However, in theory, oral diseases are preventable by simple interventions with good evidence of efficacy. 

  • Track 15-1Sports Dentistry
  • Track 15-2Orofacial Injuries
  • Track 15-3Facial Injuries and Prevention
  • Track 15-4Complication in Dental Injury
  • Track 15-5Dental Care in Sports

Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old medical system of India, states that poor nutrition is the main cause of disease. Ayurveda is also called the ‘science of longevity’ because it offers a complete system to live a long healthy life without medication. It offers programs to rejuvenate the body through diet and nutrition. It offers treatment methods to cure many common diseases such as food allergies, which have few modern treatments.

Sports Nutrition is not described as such, neither in ancient nor in modern nutrition. It is the application of various medical principles to the sports activities, physical exercise and performance endeavours. It is related to the physiological as well as patho-physiological aspects of sports and athletics injuries. It is not only prevention and treatment of injuries, but it is a scientific investigation of training methods and practices in sports also. 

  • Track 16-1Efficacy of Plant extracts in Osteoarthritis
  • Track 16-2Chinese Herbal Medicine for Osteoporosis
  • Track 16-3Iranian Herbal Drug Therapies

There are three essential macronutrients that people are probably already somewhat familiar with, at least by name. These macronutrients are Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat and they all serve different but essential purposes and Sportsmen need to make sure they consume the right amount of each in their diet. Almost everything you eat will contain a combination of the three macronutrients

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the most commonly maligned macronutrient when it comes to weight loss. While your body can do without Carbohydrates in your diet, you need them for your body to function at an optimal level and there is no need to remove them from your diet to successfully lose weight. There is nothing inherent about Carbohydrates that will make you gain or lose weight

Protein: Protein helps repair and maintain body tissues that naturally break down in daily life-style. Studies have shown that high-protein diets are better for fat loss and building muscle mass and help in making you feel fuller for longer. In fact you can expect these positive side-effects of a high Protein diet even while maintaining your Carbohydrate and Fat intake – which should come as no surprise to you by now. Fortunately, most adults in the United States get enough protein to meet their daily needs.

Fats: Much like Carbohydrates; Fat is a misunderstood macronutrient. Many people incorrectly believe that eating fat will make you fat, which is simply not true. The only thing that will make you fat is consuming more calories than you burn. Fat is not only essential for growth and development but Fat have been scientifically proven to help your body better absorb nutrients and vitamins from foods you eat. Fat also makes food taste better and makes you feel fuller for longer.

Health play a vital role for any living being on this earth, nothing can be good, if the health is not good. Healthy and physically fit person can enjoy their lives more beautifully. Sports Medicine is the subjust which deals with all the health and physical related conditions of the athlates. Sports Medicine Conference is the most precious event which is directly related to health and wellness not only for the sports person/athletes but also for the people who are agonize with most of the diseases and disorders which are directly or indirectly related to the physical health and condition. Sports medicine is a towering subject which is related to physical health and conditions.

  • Track 19-1Energy Balance and Managing Body Composition
  • Track 19-2Fiber for good health
  • Track 19-3Ling Term Energy Restriction

Nutritional Immunology or Immunonutrition is a newly recognized subdiscipline of vast clinical and public health importance. This discipline interrellates seemingly desperate feilds of Nutrition and Immunology. Despite of their apperent independence in the immune system cannot function optimally if malnutrition is present.